Home: Part Two

If you'd like to read the first part of this blog post, click here.

I'm growing to love the Gallatin Valley.

I love walking around campus when it's late at night and all is quiet. I love running down to the first floor of my hall and seeing all the 1D girls hanging out in their lounge. I love attempting to fit eight people around one of the tiny tables in Harrison dining hall. I love debating literature with my Texts and Critics class. I love praising God at InterVarsity. I love swing dancing in the barn on Fridays and heading out to watch movies afterwards. But mostly I just love all of the great people I've met and friends I've made over the past few months.

My first semester of my college career is officially behind me. I honestly cannot believe that it went by that fast. It's been a semester of tests, paper, presentations, and lots and lots of reading. It's been a semester of late night movie-watching, sledding, 5Ks, dancing, terrific meals (with and without broken mugs), some odd presents at Christmas parties, and lots and lots of laughter. It's most definitely been a semester full of answered prayer.

Over the past couple of weeks I've been overwhelmed with thankfulness. Besides the usual amount of homesick, I'm really happy in Bozeman. I've made some really good friends and I've had some really good classes. Some nights lately I've gone to bed with huge smiles on my face that I just can't wipe off. Some days I'm just so filled with joy. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've lifted my face in prayer, thanking God that He "dragged" me to Bozeman.

I'm so excited to be home for Christmas. I'm so excited to get to spend time with the people that know my heart like no others. There's a part of me, though, that is already starting to miss plaid shirts, cowboy boots, country music and snow. And I'm not going to lie: I'm excited about that fact, too.

The scariest part of moving to Montana: I'm starting to like the snow.
Bri and I decorated our room for Christmas!
The back of Montana Hall (obviously before the snow)
I love Wilson courtyard!
The fountain on 3rd floor of the library is my favorite.


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