Happy Birthday, Columbia Grove!

Happy birthday! Can you believe it? You're officially ten years old. I always get nostalgic on birthdays, and yours makes me feel exponentially so. I couldn't help but reflect on all that you've been through over the last ten years, and how much I've enjoyed being part of the ride. 

It's been ten years in a beautiful valley-- ten years of being next to the Columbia river and ten years being surrounded by a Grove of orchard trees. It's been ten years of walking out of worship and getting the privilege of seeing one of the most breathtaking views God ever made.

It's been ten years of the port-a-church lifestyle. Ten years of dedicated, servant-hearted volunteers generously showing up early to set up each week and patiently staying late to tear down. It's been ten years of learning how to make people feel warm, welcome, and comfortable inside a cafeteria. It's been ten years of intentional layout--ten years of learning that it matters how the chairs are set up and whether or not people can see your signs.

 It's been ten years of worship together. It's been ten years of watching your congregation grow from 10, to 30, to 70, to 150, to 250. It's been ten years of creatively and authentically connecting to God as a body. It's been ten years of adaptability-- of learning how to minister to changing demographics and changing people. Ten years of trying to be okay with change--whether that means adding services or pastors or eliminating elements that just aren't working. It's been ten years of joining together despite differences. It's been ten years of learning the definition of unity.

It's been ten years of service. It's been ten years of learning to support people in ways that make them feel respected, honored, valued, and loved. You've started Lifeskills Workshops. You've built playgrounds for kids that need homes-- even if the most contribution some of us made was to follow the foreman's instructions and "hold a shovel, Mackenzie. You'll look busy." You've put shoes on kids feet and food in people's stomachs. You've loved, Columbia Grove, through action, not just word.

It's been ten years of music. Ten years of developing talents in people young and old. Ten years of serving with instruments, both in the community and out of it. Ten years of learning about teamwork. Ten years of laughter at practice- and oh, my, ten years of practice, practice, practice.

It's been ten years of ever-evolving locations and spaces. Ten years of watching some blank walls (that unruly teenage boys put holes in) turn into a comfortable space where ministry can happen.

You've grown up in the last ten years, dear Columbia Grove. Our kids have grown up with you (seriously, when did I ever look that small? And when did Alex?). It's been ten years of getting to watch them deepen their faith in Children's Church, at mid-week programs, and in vacation Bible school.

You've walked us through our awkward adolescent years

even when they included terrible hairstyle choices (really, Jarred? Whatever made you decide this was a good idea?).

You taught us how to live our lives in ways that honor God, whether that be with our money, our time, our talents, or our hearts.

I am so very thankful, Columbia Grove, for the ways God has used you to change me over the past ten years.

God's used you to bring me on Costa Rica missions trips and Chinese adventures with some of your members.

I got my first taste of ministry within your walls. You were my first job with some extremely wacky and adorable kids. I learned through you that being God's servant might mean preaching one week, cleaning the bathroom the next, and putting on elf ears for the Christmas party the week after that -- and more importantly, I learned that each role was significant. You were the place I discovered that I play a part in God's plan for this world.

Columbia Grove, it was you that taught me the definition of community. From you I've gained friends that will last a lifetime. From you I've gained love. From you I've gained support. Over the last ten years, from you I've gained a family bigger and goofier and more full of heart than I ever could have imagined.

But most of all, dear, dear friend, it is you that first taught me about God. From you I've learned that God is grace. From you I've learned that God is love. From you, I've learned that my value and worth and importance are found in Him, and Him alone. I am so thankful for the acceptance you've shown me, because you know that God accepts me. I am so thankful for the ways that you reach out to the lost, the wounded, the broken hearted, and the people that seem like they've got it all together. Your actions have taught me that they are important, because God knows and believes they are important. You have taught me that God's church is more than just a building, it's a body of people, and oh, are you using your part of the body well.

I am so thankful that I was privileged enough to grow up with you, Columbia Grove. I'm thankful for your people, but mostly I'm thankful for your God. Here on your birthday, I don't want to celebrate you. I want to celebrate the ways that God has moved through you. I want to celebrate the life change that God has inspired within you. I want to give praise and shout for joy because you are a community that is full to the brim with the love of a never changing God, and I get the amazing opportunity to see Him work there.

 It's been a fantastic ten years, CGCC, and I know the next ten will be even better. You're on your way to having a building. You're getting excited to reach more people through Christ. You are continuing to allow Him to move and shape you, and you're so passionate about it that you just want to share it with others. I am so excited about that. I'm excited to watch you trust. I'm excited to watch you take risks out of faith. I'm excited to watch you grow.

I may not be there as often as I like, but know that I am praying for you. Know that I am rooting for you. Know that I am ever so proud of you and the ways you follow the Lord's leading.

And please know that where ever I may be, I am so thankful to get to call you home.



  1. Beautifully written. Thanks for all the memories.



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