So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

I'm currently sitting in Seatac airport, which can only mean one thing: It's time to say goodbye.

I hate this part. Summer can't really be over, can it?

It's been a phenomenal summer, though, full of great experiences and better people. I am so very thankful for it.

I'm thankful for the chance to participate in big life changes, from weddings to baptisms to graduations.

I'm thankful for days spent picking raspberries and curling up on the couch watching television.

I'm thankful for many games of Phase 10 with one spunky 13-year-old.

For lazy days full of books and movies.

For great conversations over coffee with some of the most amazing people placed here on Earth.

For 4th of July hikes up Saddlerock to watch the fireworks from the peak.

For days spent watching girly shows on Netflix and spending much too much time planning far-off events on Pinterest.

For little girls with great big eyes that made me laugh whenever I was around them, and for their parents who have done so much for me.

For late-night Frosty runs with family.

For hours in bookstores with friends that live way too far away--but for the exciting ways that God is working in their lives as well.

For best friends that came with me to camp, and the old and new friends we connected with there.

For long conversations at night on my porch about being stretched in ways we never imagined, and for the friend I had them with.

For movie dates with my littlest brother.

For Telephone Pictionary and more pasta salad than should ever, ever be consumed.

For a church brimming with love and community and Jesus.

For tears. And laughter. And heart-to-hearts--even when the subject was uncomfortable. For home.

Wenatchee holds my heart like no other place can. It's not because of the location, though I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. It's because of the people. You are genuine, and caring, and simply wonderful people. While on some levels, I'm excited for my next adventures, for this week of travel and the following new semester, it's hard right now. Right now I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye. I don't want to, but I need to. Sometimes this part of growing up stinks.

And so, adieu friends. Adieu, adieu, to you, and you, and you.


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