Back in the (Uncomfortable?) Saddle Again
It's August 26th, my friends. The first day of school is officially over. The last of my Wenatchee friends left this morning. Four of my five classes have syllabus-ed me to death. We had our first large group planning meeting and our first giant, spanning-four-tables-it's-so-big group dinner. I'm typing this in the dark because my roommate just headed to bed, about two hours before I'll call it a night. Reality has settled, and it's strange. In many ways, the transition to school has been much easier this year, and in many ways it's been harder. It's been easier because I have an idea of what to expect... And it's harder for the exact same reason. I know Bozeman and MSU is a place where I am stretched and I can grow, a place where I can serve and worship, a place where I laugh and sing and dance. I know it's also a place, though, where I always feel a little too different. A little too Washingtonian. A little too "Covenant", for lack of...