2012-2013 Roommate Quote Book

Anyone who knows me knows I love quotes. Movie quotes, inspirational quotes, obscure quotes, I like 'em all. I especially, however, love writing down quotes that people around me say so I can use their words against them later. I've been super blessed to have Bri as my roommate this year, and by golly do we say some interesting things. And so, without further ado, here is our 2012-2013 roommate quote book (also guest starring quotes from Bri's boyfriend Jonathan and stepsister Juji.)

Bri: You know what they should really do for Survivor? Only get big, athletic, NFL guys and battle them out. 

Mackenzie: OH MY GOSH?!?! How are we going to watch “The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown”?!?!
Bri: I don’t know!
Mackenzie: Oh, wait a minute. We have cable...

Jonathan: Here’s the thing about Twilight: How did Edward go to school for all those years and not find a cure for cancer?!?

Bri: Which stuffed animal do I sleep with tonight? I need to know.

Bri: You know me too well.
Mackenzie: Well when you live for someone..... Live with someone; I meant with!!

Bri: I wish I could show you the kitten from my dreams.

Bri: Girls travel in packs. We’re like wolves.

Mackenzie: Well think of it this way, Juji. Now you don’t have to date him for awhile only to break up after you’re really emotionally attached. You’re actually saving yourself heartache.
Juji: That’s what he said.
Mackenzie: Oh... Umm.... Well I was trying to help.
Brianna: Hahahahahahaha....

Brianna: Do you ever feel bad about playing favorites with your stuffed animals?

Brianna: That [tattoo] looks awesome. I want to be a cheetah so bad.

Mackenzie: I should go to the gym but I just don’t want to.
Bri: Eh, you don’t have to-you didn’t eat ice cream.

Bri (while curling Mackenzie’s hair): Look at this. Roommate bonding time. I could burn you. This is like a trust activity.

Bri: When you get married I’m going to be the flower girl.
Mac: I think you’re a little old for that...
Bri: Okay. Then I’ll be his best man.

Bri: I’m going to have to cut my nails if we’re playing some B-ball. Don’t want cut anyone up on the court.... This is the plan: I’m gonna talk a lot of smack to intimidate them and throw them off their A-game. Then we slide in for the win.

Bri (in reference to trying to download League to play with the guys): Why can’t they just play Club Penguin or something?!

Bri: I’ll use my thunderthighs and kick you. Like a donkey kick and BAM, you’ll be done.

Bri: Ask anyone who knows me- I’m pretty darn cool.

Bri: I don’t know if my stomach is growling or regurgitating; like, processing what I ate.

Bri: You don’t need to study any more. You know, we’re all going to die someday. Is economics going to help you when you’re dead? Do you think when you’re up in heaven that Jesus isn’t going to know everything there is about economics?

Bri: I should be like a love guru. I’m going to be the next Hitch. Mackenzie, you get it for free since you’re my roommate.

Bri: I cannot wait to go through menopause. That will be one of the best times in my life. The first will be the day I get married. The second will be when I have a child. And the third, Mackenzie, will be when I go through menopause. 

Bri: Mackenzie, your quote book needs to be published as like a teenage/children’s book--like a Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul type book--so that I, Brianna Whitley Ranck, will go down in history for the coining the phrase, “I can’t wait to go through menopause.”
Mackenzie: Can you repeat that so I can put it in the quote book?

Bri: I think God was thinking outside the box with that one.
Mac: I think God is the epitome of “outside the box.”

Love you, Bri! Here's to many more quotes next year!


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