
I sometimes wonder if modern shoes have undermined the effect of Maundy Thursday. Hear me out: I have observed Maundy Thursday for several years now. I've participated in my fair share of foot-washing services, whether that practice takes place around Easter or other points of the year. These are often meaningful, important moments in life and faith, a reminder of Christ's extreme humility and his heart of service. And at the same time, the people whose feet I wash are normally pretty clean. (And yes, I blame shoes for this fact.) It often doesn't seem like a big deal to wash them. Today I served my roommate by washing her feet. I know exactly how often Sara showers (answer: far more often than I do). The discomfort I felt wasn't because I had to lower myself to the part of a servant, though I do not do that as often as I should. It wasn't because I was face to face with my roommate's dirt-- there wasn't even any visible. It was uncomfortable because i...