An Open Letter to the Pastor Who Prayed
Dear Pastor, You probably didn't know it as I walked into the small church next to the grocery store last Sunday, but I had had a rough week. I don't handle change well, whether it be new furniture or new classes, so moving myself halfway across the globe was difficult, to say the least. I had spent the four days before Sunday desperately wandering around Galway, attempting to set up phone plans and find grocery stores and adjust to living in a place where nothing ever truly dries and no room is ever comfortably warm. I had spent the four nights before Sunday waiting for it to be late enough to call my mom, aching for a familiar voice. They were hours where my relationship with God experienced whiplash, where in some I found myself clinging to Him like a lifeboat, yet in the others I was frustrated, argumentatively asking why He brought me here in the first place. It was a long four days. I stumbled into church Sunday morning wide-eyed and dripping wet, the result of my...