On Embracing Adventure, Summer 2015, and My Last First Day

A little more than three months ago, I slapped a meticulously packed (48 pounds, to be exact) suitcase down at the United Airlines ticket counter, boarded my plane, and took off with more than a little apprehension to work at Moose River Outpost in Jackman, ME. I made a friend during my O'Hare layover. I had accepted the job as office manager a few months before, excited about the idea of experiencing the East Coast and growing in a new place. As the time to leave grew closer, however, the knot in the middle of my stomach grew larger. I have never identified as an "outdoorsy" person -- my favorite thing to do in Montana is cuddle in with a warm blanket, a hot drink, and a movie or book -- so the idea of spending two months at a place that possesses a desire to "Seek Christ, build community, and embrace adventure" filled me with trepidation. Seek Christ? That's my favorite. Build community? I'm a senior in the dorms for just that reason. Embrace a...