104 Thanks of Summer Vacation

When I was in high school, Disney Channel started a cartoon that quickly became popular. It was a witty show about two stepbrothers who spend their summer break using their brains and creativity to engineer some pretty epic adventures. I must admit that I quite enjoyed it when kids I babysat would want to watch Phineas and Ferb -- and when I received my own Phineas and Ferb lunch box for Christmas, I insisted on using it for the rest of my senior year. The past couple of days the theme song has been running through my head: "There are 104 days of summer vacation / And school comes along just to end it / So the annual problem of our generation / is finding a good way to spend it." Ironically enough, this is my 104th day of summer vacation. Today also happened to be the day I went back to Bozeman. Class doesn't start for two more weeks, but summer vacation feels like it's over. School definitely came along just to end it. I'm wanting to cultivate gratitude th...