For Those That Don't Know Why

One of my strongest memories is of watching a man cry. I was around fourteen or so and was attending a Bible camp up in British Columbia. During chapel one morning, we were playing a rousing game of "stump the pastors" with the camp director and the chapel speaker. Essentially, the purpose of the game was to provide us with a forum to ask the questions we'd always wondered about God, the Bible, and faith. I loved those chapel sessions. Here's the thing, though: It was a co-ed teen camp, which meant that some of the campers were, in fact, male teenagers. I'm not a big believer in gender stereotypes, but I must admit that more often than not, the less-serious questions were voiced by those fifteen-year-old boys. And so it goes that on this hot morning in July, as the pastors asked for questions, one of the young men shouted out, "Why?!" That was it. No elaboration. No other wording. Just a purely tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic question. Why? And on that...