The 2014 Spring Roommate Quote Book

Today is the end of an era. Today was the last day that I woke up as Bri's roommate (okay, so we were hotel roommates today, but it still counts). I feel so amazingly privileged to have spent my first two years of college with Bri sleeping on the other side of my room. I'm even more thankful for the friendship that's developed because of it-- whether that friendship entails honest conversations or panicked moments when we think we're locked out of the car in the middle of Hayden, Idaho (thank goodness for spare keys, right?). I'm super excited to see where God takes you next year as you move into your sorority house, but know I'll miss having you ten feet away! And so, without further ado, the last of the Bri/Mackenzie Roommate quotes: Bri: I have a fantastic idea. Are you on Facebook? Mac: Yes. Bri: Good, ‘cause I’m going to need you to like something . Bri: Mackenzie, I had kind of hoped that you had come home from break with a New Year’s Resol...