The Year of Engaged Leadership

MSU has deemed this year "The Year of Engaged Leadership." On the website , this is described as a year that "highlights the many events and activities of the university that help develop the leadership skills of students, faculty, staff and community members... Each month will focus on a single characteristic of leadership, including commitment to personal growth, listening, empathy, awareness, healing, foresight, conceptualization, stewardship, persuasion and building community." In a nutshell, it means our school is bringing in many, many speakers and activities to try and... well, get us engaged in leadership. The joke's on MSU, though, because I had already planned on spending this year in "engaged leadership." No, that does not mean I'll be attempting a "ring-by-spring" ploy, despite the fact that I recently received a four page text message describing how to catch a boyfriend (which was quite hilarious, but still). Instead, it me...