Our Father, Who Art in Heaven

I've never been a big fan of this day. Father's Day. I tend to regard it with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's a day that brings out so much pain for me. I honestly don't know if there's any day or any place that makes me feel so left out. I look around at all the smiling kids wearing "My dad rocks!" tee shirts and wish that, corny as it may be, I could wear something similar. I sit through school concerts, award ceremonies and graduations and watch beaming fathers proudly cheer on their children, frequently longing for someone to fill that seat for me. I attend wedding ceremonies and start to panic, realizing I don't know who will walk me down the aisle or if I'll get to have that father-daughter dance. While most days I can handle it, brush it off my shoulders, smile and move on, on this day I can't. Father's Day blatantly reminds me of all that I'm missing out on, and it hurts. This Father's Day is particularly hard. T...